
5Ø71, aka Zoltán Sóti from the Hungarian-Serbian border, has aged the club music category of the 2022 Electronic Beats SZELEKTOR compilation with intelligently flowing techno. He mostly plays in Szeged with his crew, Deflate, with whom he says he really found himself. “My sets are mostly characterized by tribal elements, melancholy and euphoria, and I try to combine these in such a way that it has a story for the audience,” he says of himself.


Beko has been expressing himself through music since he was a teenager. Over time, he became more interested in the how, what is behind the music: the technical implementations and their logic. He plucks organic threads between dubtechno and deep house, and is proud of each of his releases, as each is a small fulfillment.


Blue Advance is a representative of the latest DJ generation, the founder of several popular party series (Káosz, SPOT), who is not constrained by genre limitations: he considers introducing new directions to be an important mission. His sets usually include techno and its many subgenres, and he is not afraid to bring out drum and bass and trance.

To show that it doesn't matter what genre the music is, as long as it is good and of high quality - this is his commitment, which he always adheres to.


BLZS studied fashion & branding in Amsterdam, and has since moved to Berlin, where he produces proper techno tracks in his free time, one of which was included in the Electronic Beats 2024 SZELEKTOR compilation, even though he had only been seriously writing music for a year. His style is driven by raw, deep and hypnotic sounds, with “groovy lowends and dissonant synths.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bhalesz/

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bhalesz

Bandcamp: https://blzs.bandcamp.com/


bxrnadetth is an upcoming DJ and producer from Budapest, known for his electrifying performances and unique sound. From Budapest to Madrid to Berlin, he has shown with his raw and groovy music that it is not worth letting go of the classic ethos of techno.