The unbelievable indoor season of 2015/16 slowly comes to an end. As a result of the cooperation of Casino Bangkok with the labels Dystopian and Token, such techno pioneers visited Budapest as Phase, and Ctrls, moreover we had the chance to listen to the great masters of analog and modular synths, Florian Meindl, Electric Rescue and the eclectic daredevil, Truss too. Not to mention our joint pre-New Year's Eve giant gig with the Technokunst, where Mark Broom and Klaudia Gawlas filled the big hall of the Akvárium Club. Do not forget about our restless resident team neither, big thanks to you Dr. Zoidberg, Nils, Sinko and Subotage!
Now we are going on a small holiday, but follow the news, we are coming back!