The spring winds are blowing acid: after two strong freetek seances in Turbina, the Ministry of Freethinking Tekno Fun is now hosting a one-man delegation from Italy, Neurotribe, whose musical output is a record of mostly acidic items, and whoever puts a big pile of onions on one of their album covers and a derelict Soviet public institution on another can't be a bad person.
Once again the psy/ tek clubroom will be blossoming the darkness, and you can have a rest in the ambient room, of course! Extra sound, woodland creatures, early arrivals, raw drums and machine-matured mental sourdough - all this in Vajdahunyad street!
turbina main stage
Klpflrtpr x TEK live (Hard and Fast)
Telesport live (Davoria)
TeKnOkApArO (Davoria)
Mateosz x Babosh x Blue Advance (Hard and Fast / Káosz Rave)
psy / tek stage klubszoba
Tb (Omlás)
Auerbach (Zörgető.Zrt)
Tündérke (HungalienZ)
Varázsló (Zenovoid Records / Sacred Sound)
Date: 2025.04.25
Venue: Turibina Kulturális Központ (1082 Budapest, Vajdahunyad utca 4)