Nyugodj Békében, Bernáthy Sándor

Ma elhunyt Bernáthy Sándor (1949-2012), a magyar underground zenei élet legendás alakja. Nevéhez kötődik többek között az A.E. Bizottság zenekar, a Bernáth/y & Son formáció, illetve a nagymúltú Supersonic Technikum, mely rengeteg fontos hazai zenei esemény mellett a legelső NVC rendezvénynek is otthont adott 2005-ben. "Ott történik a világmegváltás"

Nyugodj Békében, Sanyi Bácsi!

http://quart.hu/image/article/bernathy_zxspectrum.jpgToday, Sandor Bernathy (1949-2012) died after 2 months of sickness. He was one of the most significant people of the Hungarian underground music scene. He played in the band A.E. Bizottsag and later in the tech liveact called Bernáth/y & Son. In the name of the whole scene we say a huge thank you for his legendary club, Supersonic Technikum that was the venue of several important music events in the the past 2 decades. The very first event of NVC also took place at Supersonic in 2005.

Rest In Peace, Sandor!
