Dreamlands, Lightstones and Cosmic Utopia
After 5 years the band return with a fresh new album. Light Leaks exposes a miraculous and cosmic world where a child enjoys colorful fantasy, ignoring boundaries. We can follow this child through dreamlands as space medusas are tangled onto synthesizers and lightstones are being smashed by massive guitar riffs and vocoder voices about bizarre moments of eternity. Their first single ‘Space Medusa’ was warmly welcomed by international bloggers –
“Falling somewhere in between ’70s cosmic rock and Daft Punk, Zagar mixes vocoder wizardry, epic synth build-ups and waves of atmospherics into a sci-fi soul” (Dialogueinc US)
pre-sale 2800.- HUF ticket + CD 3500.- HUF (1st 100 at Központ only)
pre-sale 3300.- HUF ticket + CD 4000.- HUF
at the door 3800.- HUF ticket + CD 4500.- HUF
Központ (5 Madach Imre str, 1075 Budapest)
Toldi Mozi (36-38 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky str, 1054 Budapest)
Aktrecords (35 O str, 1066 Budapest)
Online Tickets + CD
Online Tickets